Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Good in the World...

Sheesh.  Another morning spent tearing up over wonderful people found on the internet... there are worse things out there, I guess.  If you're reading this (and I hope you are), take a minute to check out the following websites.  I guarantee they will improve your mood, and maybe even get you to go out and help someone.

Never forget that this is a good world, and that there are good people out there.  There are also people who need our help.  If you can do it, do it.  If you can help, help.  Don't leave it up to the next person, because eventually, there is no next person.

First they came for the Jews and I 
did not speak out because I was
not a Jew.

Then they came for the 
Communists and I did not speak
out because I was not a 

Then they came for the trade
unionists and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade 

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to
speak out for me.

Pastor Niemoller

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