Friday, September 16, 2011

Coming to the End...

Hello Everyone!

It has been 987 days since I started this endeavor. And it has been a journey indeed. I barely remember the person I was almost 3 years ago. So much has happened since then. Marriages, health issues, births, travels, adventures, misadventures, and everything in between. I've started writing a 2nd 101 list because even though this 1st list may not seem like a success in terms of what I finished and what I didn't, at least I was working towards some things. And in the past couple of years, this list has helped open the doors to a lot of wonderful people, places, and things.

Anyhow... time to update the first list for the final time. Stayed tuned for the new list, which I hope to have completed by September 30th, the final day for this list.

Overall Health (Mental & Physical):
1. Lose 5lbs. (45/5) That's right- 45 pounds! I lost it in a manner that I would never, ever recommend. I've kept it off for 2 months now.
2. Keep weight off for at least 12 months. (2/12)
3. Stand on the dock at Grandma Findlay's house at sunset and yell for any or no reason.
4. Try acupuncture.
5. Work out at least 3 times a week. (?/429) I'm not sure of the number, I don't think it's over 100 though. Something to strive for in the next list!
6. List 25 things I like about myself. (25/25) My hair; the beauty mark on my right collarbone; 90% of the time, my glass is more than 1/2 full; I never ever stop hoping; that Mamma Mia! makes me so happy I want to cry; I'm smart; I'm funny; I love my family; I'm creative; I have nice ears; I can paint my fingernails so well it looks professional; my voice; my name; my dreams; my goals; how I can remember song lyrics after only hearing the song once; my sarcasm...sometimes; my ability to put together puzzles; my handwriting; my love of nesting dolls; how easily entertained I am; my love of bad jokes; my choice of husband; my faith; and my CD mixes.
7. Do yoga at least once a week. (?/143) I did this at least 20 times, but again, something to work on for the next list... if I want to!
8. Try the couch to 5k program- start in the spring.
9. Get new glasses.
10. Take a dance class.
11. Ask for help if I need it. Never have I been more successful with this. Thank God!
12. Cut out red meat for two weeks. (doesn't have to be consecutive) (0/2)
13. Cut out bread for three weeks. (again, doesn't have to be consecutive) (0/3)
14. Eat only when I'm hungry. Taking a mulligan on this one- this doesn't work when you are pregnant or depressed.
15. Find better birth control.
16. Take a self-defense class.
17. Make a list of 100 things that make me happy. Optional, doodle them onto the craft room walls. (0/100)

18. Donate 1,500,000 grains of rice. (177,450/1,500,000) Fell a bit short... but I tried!
19. Help someone cross an item off of their 101 list. (within reason)
20. Donate blood at least three times. (3/3)
21. Be a Salvation Army bell ringer one season.
22. Tip the cost of the meal once.
23. Tip 50% of the meal twice. (0/2)
24. Donate at least one scarf a year to Knit Your Bit. (3/3)
25. Donate two Christmas Shoeboxes a year. (0/4)

26. Complete two Bible/Spiritual book studies with a friend. (5+/2)
27. Read The Love Dare by Stephen Kendrick with Matt.
29. Make finding a church home a priority.
30. If we find a church, try joining the worship team. This didn't work out, but I did try it.

31. Take two lifelong learning classes at WTC. (2/2) Sadly, they were very boring. On the up side, they could be counted towards my degree.
32. Enroll in college and complete three semesters/quarters. (3/3) And then some! Only a couple more to go!
33. Learn to drive a stick shift well... no more bumpy first gear!
34. Learn to shoot a handgun.
35. Learn archery... learn to arch?
36. Become CPR certified.
37. Learn to french braid.
38. Learn to make origami cranes.
39. Learn to knit.
40. Make a better effort to learn Russian.
41. Learn to juggle.

For the Environment:
42. Use only cloth napkins.
43. Buy ten reusable shopping bags. (10/10)
44. Stop buying bagged salads, learn to make my own.
45. Find something better than plastic bottles to keep me hydrated.

46. Use all tax returns to pay off credit card debt. (2/2)
47. Save $10 from each of my paychecks, and $20 from each of Matt's. (min. $50/month) Every $100 goes to credit card debt.
48. Make a budget with Matt, and stick to it! (2/30+)
49. Pay back J & K. ($500/$500)
50. Have 501 No Spending Days! (150/501) Oi! I'm so bad with this! I really want to include this on the next list and give it a better try.

51. Write a letter to my future firstborn. Started 2/1/09 Still working on it.
52. Write a poem.
53. Send a secret to Postsecret.
54. Send five letters/postcards/care packages for no reason each year. (15/15)
55. Journal at least once a week. (143/143)
56. Send Ella and Eli a letter once a month. (3/30+)
57. Write better descriptions for all my Etsy listings.
58. Keep a dream journal.

59. Visit Jeremy in D.C.
60. Take a picture of myself on the Brooklyn Bridge, holding a copy of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.
61. Take a road trip with no destination.
62. Ride a train somewhere.
63. Go on a hot air balloon ride.
64. Visit Betty Smith's grave with mom.
65. Go to Six Flags with a group of friends for my 26th birthday.
66. Visit five new states. (0/5)
67. Mule the Grand Canyon.
68. Chase a storm.
69. Visit Anna in London, and go to at least two other countries while there. Part done, part still working on it!

Music, Movies, & Books:
70. Clean up my Ipod- remove every song I don't like!
71. Get rid of all VHSs, replace with DVDs.
72. Get new trivia books for both bathrooms. (0/2)
73. Watch every episode of Freaks & Geeks. (18/18)
74. See The Weepies in concert. A great big YAY!
75. Find a hardcover copy of Joy in the Morning in an antique store.
76. Convince someone of the awesomeness that is Abba.
77. Find five new songs/musicians/groups each year that affect me (i.e. make me so happy or so sad or so etc... perhaps something I can listen to over and over again.) (15/15) The Call, Regina Spektor; Baba O'Riley, The Who; Dust in the Wind, Kansas, Defying Gravity, Kerry Ellis; Petra Haden; Whatever It Takes, The Faders; Many the Miles, Sara Bareilles; Matt the Electrician; Poker Face, Lady Gaga; Waking Up in Vegas, Katy Perry; Be My Thrill (album), The Weepies; You Make My Dreams, Hall & Oates; Hallelujah, Kate Voegele; The Runaways; Tuesdays Gone, Lynyrd Skynyrd.
78. Read at least two new-to-me books a week from the library. (286/286)
79. Read Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead.
80. See the musical Wicked. Twice!
81. Read the Twilight series.
82. Make and keep a movie for insurance purposes. Started 1/23/09 Last Updated 12/09
83. Watch all the movies we have that I haven't seen yet. Done!!

84. Complete (with no outside help) fifteen crossword puzzles. Can be any level, but one must be hard. (4/15) 3 Easy, 1 Medium
85. Complete (finally!!!) my hot air balloon puzzle.
86. Organize childhood photographs with mom.
87. Finish refurbishing dollhouse- including furniture.
88. Brush Varmit once a week. (?/143) This kind of got derailed during my pregnancy and now with a newborn.
89. Make someone's day.
90. Limit computer time to two hours a day, four out of seven days a week. (?/572) Epic fail! Again, something I should really strive for... may be easier after I stop going to school online. :)
91. Complete Keri Smith's 100 ideas. (0/100)
92. Buy big happy rain boots and go puddle jumping.
93. Dye my hair red.
94. Wear false eyelashes on a regular day... extra points if they're sparkly. Glue allergy... enough said.
95. Scrapbook at least five hours a month. (0/175)
96. Try eggplant.
97. Buy a new nude bra.
98. Submit a photo to
99. High-five five strangers in non-athletic venues. (1/5) 1/28/09 High-fived a guy at the counter at the Barnes & Noble Cafe... he was quoting my favorite poem!
100. Reconnect with my Kolosovsky family. Still working on this, but it's been going well!
101. Find the best tattoo artist in the state (or tri-state area) and have them do my little red dragon.

There you have it- 42 completed, with 20 others that I have started. So, 62 out of 101. Not bad! Wish me much luck on the next one.


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